
  • Understanding sustainability and ESG, via education and training to your staff
  • Assisting with reporting under different frameworks
  • Telling your sustainability story, in a variety of manners
  • Collecting the data to ensure accurate disclosures
  • Understanding and deciphering changing regulation and how it will apply to you
  • Providing limited assurance via over your non-financial disclosures via our team of cross-industry experienced auditors
  • Advising over building controls, processes and governance on your sustainability data
  • Identifying and mapping sustainability risks and opportunities
  • Implementing and driving the delivery of an ESG strategy and/or policy
  • Securing your value chain via investigations to comply with regulations and stakeholder demands
  • Ad hoc services such as sense checking and advice


  • Helping a charity start their sustainability journey and effectively communicate this.
  • Helping a major retail firm produce an integrated set of sustainability disclosures.
  • Helping a major public authority organise and produce reliable sustainability disclosures.
  • Advising global standard-setters on implementing sustainability disclosure frameworks.
  • Advising public bodies on developing their sustainability metrics and future regulatory policy.

New Business Advisory Services Senior Manager joins Grant Thornton Limited

Dipak Vashi joined Grant Thornton in 2022, from ICAEW in London where he focused on Sustainability matters, particularly around Social factors such as the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, Modern Slavery and social fairness and the role of the accountancy profession in achieving this. The appointment shows Grant Thornton’s commitment to developing and maintaining the importance of Sustainability metrics internally, as well as into their clients’ operations and reporting.

He has over 11 years’ experience in the accounting profession, within industry and via a membership body in the ICAEW, having initially qualified in the audit practice of KPMG in London.

He has been a frequent commentator in the media on Sustainability matters, as well as appearing on webinars, videos and at external events and panels to promote the importance and urgent need of recognising Sustainability within business models. 

Dipak has engaged widely with the UK Government via expert panels and consultation responses, to attempt to shape policy to ensure business leads the transition into a sustainable future. He has taken the lead in ensuring accountancy firms and their clients recognise the importance they have in a changing world, and the business opportunities that lie within this.

ESG can either be seen as a risk management tool or an opportunity, either way it is imperative to your business, whatever your size and whether you are listed or not.

From a risk management perspective, mandatory reporting and disclosures are coming, and the preparatory work and transition to producing disclosure will not be easy, therefore resource will need to be put into this as soon as possible. In the funds sector, regulation such as the EU SFDR and alignment with the Taxonomy is already in place, whilst in the UK, the FCA are pushing ahead with the SDR regime. This captures all funds marketing into the EU and the UK, irrespective of where they are based.

From an opportunity perspective, companies taking an early approach have a chance to take a market leading position. Providers of capital and potential clients will need to ensure their borrowers and service providers meet certain standards. Other than this, there are multiple other stakeholders who will be interested in the sustainability credentials of a company, for a variety of needs.

The chance to tell your sustainability story in an integrated, coherent and succinct manner which ties into your annual report, will add huge value to your reporting and your overall business proposition.